


Strategic Leap是款基於英美跳棋的變體,由Garner Labs在1990年代開發,贏得1995年的MacWorld Best Brain Game,於2013年在蘋果推出APP。游戲采用多種遊戲模式的關卡,有類似單身貴族的單人解謎局面、雙人對弈局面等。







Normal Tile This is the most common tile. Although it can slide on a track, it cannot be removed from the game.
Removable Tile Notice how this tile has cracks in it. This kind of tile can be removed from the board using a Jackhammer Spell or added with an Add Tile Spell.






The Pawn moves only one direction, from the players "Home" row toward their "King" row. Once it reaches the "King" row it turns into a King, and can then move in any direction.



The King moves in any direction, otherwise it has no other advantage over the Pawn.


Warrior Pawn

The Warrior Pawn is just like the regular Pawn (can only move in one direction) except that it is stronger and can survive two hits on it and still remain on the board. A hit is like being jumped or landing on a bomb or being hit by a zap. So only after three of those will it be removed from the board.

Warrior King

Warrior King

The Warrior King is just like the Warrior Pawn but can move in any direction like a regular King.

Flag HolderWarrior Flag Holder

Flag Holders

When the flag is captured, the playing piece appears like this. Flag holders are always Kings so they can move in any direction. When a warrior captures a flag, it looks like the bottom of these two. If the flag holder is still on the King row, it can still be made a Warrior (using the Warrior Spell).

Gold Nugget


Jump the Gold Nuggets to collect them! They can be shielded with the Anti-Jump Shield.

Anchored Pearl

Anchored Blue Pearl

This can be jumped, but is not collected. So after jumping it it stays on the board where it can be jumped again, even within the same move, but only once in each direction.




Anti-Jump Shield

Anti-Jump Shield (Blue)

This protects the piece from being jumped. You cannot jump any piece that has this shield on. These shields also cannot withstand the action of jumping and will disappear after a jump move. If a zap spell is cast on a playing piece with this shield, only the shield will be destroyed. Also, landing on a Bomb with this shield only destroys the shield.

Flag Holder Shield

Flag Holder Shield (Green)

When a playing pieces captures the flag, this special shield will surround the piece. The shield cannot be zapped with the Zap spell, nor will it allow the Teleport spell to teleport the piece. It does not protect the piece from being jumped. Also, this shield does not protect the piece from landing on a bomb.




Zap Spell


If you want to remove a playing piece from the board, this is your spell! However, when used on a shielded piece, it only removes the shield. Also, when used on a Warrior piece it just inflicts one hit of damage.

Promote Spell


Don't want to wait until your Pawn makes it to the King row? Then just use this spell to promote it to a King right where it is!

Bomb Spell


This spell allows you to plant a bomb on any empty tile on the board. Put it where your opponent will have to land on it, hehe.

Resurrect Spell


Running out of playing pieces? Use this to bring one of your pieces back to life. It only works on your Home row.

Shield Spell

Anti-Jump Shield

When you cast this on a playing piece it will place an Anti-Jump Shield around the piece such that it cannot be jumped. You can cast it on either your piece or the opponent's piece.

Teleport Spell


A quick way to move your pieces around the board is to use this spell. You can move any of your pieces (exceptthe Flag Holder) from anywhere to any other place.

Warrior Spell


This will transform any of your pieces into a Warrior. Or if you cast it on a Warrior, it will restore it to full health.

Add Gold Spell

Add Gold

This allows you to place a Gold Nugget on any empty tile. If the tile has a bomb planted on it, it will basically diffuse the bomb by blowing up and collecting the Gold Nugget.

Add Anchored Pearl Spell

Add Anchored Perl

This allows you to place an Anchored Pearl on any empty tile. If the tile has a bomb on it, it diffuses the bomb and still places the Anchored Pearl there.

Add Tile Spell

Add Tile

This allows you to add a removable tile on any open track stop.

Jack Hammer Spell

Jack Hammer

Don't like one of the removable tiles on the board? No problem, use this spell to remove it. It doesn't work on the regular tiles, just the cracked looking ones.

Freeze Spell


This will freeze a playing piece such that it cannot move for three turns.


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